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vineri, 30 mai 2014

Shoot on sight in OSM

   Hello guys ! Today I will show you few tactics that work perfectly with shoot on sight . Enjoy ! :)

                                                                        1 .  3-5-2

2.  4-2-3-1

3. 4-5-1

I'm waiting for your feed-back ! Good luck !

6 comentarii:

  1. Eu zic sa mai verifici la 352. Nu cred ca merge daca pui fundasii sa urce pentru ca sunt doar 3 .

  2. which tactic i can use if i am a much weaker team? thanksss :)

  3. Mourinho's tactic :) 6-3-1 A

  4. Hi there,
    I´m playing with Man. City against Arsenal away.
    Their manager is using training camp and his team is about 2-5% better than mine.
    He plays 433B passing the game.
    I don´t know if i should use 433A or 451?
    Any suggestions?
    Thnx in advance.
